Lifestyle, Motherhood

Bed time

What time do you go to bed and wake up currently?

Well being a mama my bed time and wake up times vary. It all really just depends on what my little one wants to do.

Most days though I do try to go to bed about 11pm and wake up about 7am. My son usually goes to bed about 7-7 30pm. But lately he’s been staying up until 9-11pm because he’s in a sleep regression right now, so my schedule has been a bit wanky lately.

He usually wakes up between 7-7:30am. But the last week or so it’s been varying between 7 to 8:45am the other morning. The previous night he had gone to sleep at 11pm.

Last night I didn’t go to bed until 12:30am. So I am in need of my morning coffee today.

3 thoughts on “Bed time”

      1. May you be gifted one of those cups that is a thermos to keep it warm… I cannot tell you how many times I pour myself a cup of hot coffee and then get so caught up in what I am writing, it is cold by the time I go to drink it, and then off to the microwave… lol

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